If you go for random your overall readiness goes up.
Increasing Your Readiness RatingWhen you play multiplayer your readiness rating goes up depending on whether you finished the challenge, what challenge it was (bronze, silver or gold) and where it was.If you choose specific maps to play on your readiness rating will only go up for that system. The readiness rating is broken up into systems and you have to take care of all of them.My readiness rating drops about 4% per system per day so if you are actively playing mass effect 3 you have to make sure to keep up with increasing your readiness rating. You can’t influence the readiness rating in the singleplayer, you can only gain war assets. So the effective power of your war assets is the amount of war assets multiplied by the readiness percentage.The Readiness Rating Drops Over TimeThe readiness rating drops over time even when you are playing singleplayer. The war asset readiness rating is an indicator of how good your war assets will perform in the final battle.
If you think you deserve a higher military strength score, edit your save files using Gibbed's ME3 Save Editor. All you need is the extended cut DLC and a total miltitary strength of 6200 (Effective 3100). Re: Mass Effect 3 readiness rating is a complete joke.